Couple sitting next to each other on a couch discussing documents.

Is My Personal Injury Settlement Offer Fair?

Whether a personal injury settlement offer is “fair” depends on the injured individual and the particulars of his or her case.  Two people could have the same set of facts, same injuries, and same lawyer but different ideas of what is “fair.”  When deciding whether a personal injury settlement offer is “fair” there are a […]

Man in professional suit holding a magnifying glass over a document.

3 Key Considerations When Evaluating a Personal Injury Settlement Offer

For most people, receiving a personal injury settlement offer following an injury in Georgia is good news that carries with it one big question: Should I accept this offer? The following are three key questions to help you evaluate a personal injury settlement. Will the Amount Cover Your Past and Future Accident-Related Expenses? The financial […]

A smart phone powered on with a folder labeled Social Media with nine social media apps showing multiple notifications.

Don’t Let Social Media Ruin Your Chances of a Legal Settlement

Too much social media can have a negative impact on your mental health. It can also negatively affect your Georgia personal injury case if you are not careful. Attorneys and insurance adjusters routinely check the social media accounts of opposing parties to search for any information that could help their case. How Social Media Impacts Your Personal Injury […]

A diamond shapped yellow sign with the words DID YOU KNOW against a blue sky with white wispy clouds in the background.

Do I Have to Pay Taxes on My Personal Injury Settlement?

When it comes to settlements for personal injury lawsuits, one topic that is rarely discussed is the tax implications of that settlement. Many personal injury settlements involve a large lump sum payment; failure to pay the required taxes on an amount that large could land you with a significant penalty with the IRS. But are […]

frustrated couple looking at personal injury settlement

Is My Personal Injury Settlement Marital Property in Georgia? 

It is common for married personal injury victims that have accepted a settlement or won a judgment to wonder whether that money is their own separate property or is marital property. Even if you aren’t getting or thinking about divorce, it is good information to know.  Marital property is generally any property that is acquired during […]