understanding traumatic brain injuries

Every year in the U.S., traumatic brain injury (TBI) contributes to significant numbers of deaths and permanent disabilities. Approximately 1.7 million new cases of TBI are sustained annually.  Many are caused by falls and car accidents. Regardless of how the injury happened, the road to recovery is extremely difficult.  Damages may include major medical expenses, loss of income, emotional difficulties, and more.
If you or a loved one has sustained a traumatic brain injury because of the negligence of another person, speak to a Georgia traumatic brain injury attorney like Attorney Joel Williams. They can help you understand how to best claim damages for the injury.

What Is Traumatic Brain Injury

Traumatic brain injuries are typically the result of a violent blow or other sudden trauma to the head or body. They may also be caused by an object penetrating the skull. While mild traumatic brain injury may lead to only to temporary dysfunction of the brain cells, more severe instances could lead to torn tissues, bruising, bleeding, or physical damage to the brain.  Severe brain injuries can lead to long-term complications or death.

Symptoms of Traumatic Brain Injury

A majority of traumatic brain injuries are caused by falls, motor vehicle collisions, or violence, such as gunshot wounds and domestic violence. While symptoms of a traumatic brain injury often appear immediately after the trauma, it may take days or even weeks for any signs to manifest themselves. Signs of traumatic brain injury may be physical, sensory, or cognitive and include:

  • Loss of consciousness or being disoriented, confused, or dazed;
  • Problems sleeping or sleeping more than normal;
  • Headache;
  • Nausea or vomiting;
  • Dizziness or difficulty balancing;
  • Sensitivity to sound or light;
  • Sensory problems, including blurred vision, ears ringing, a bad taste in the mouth;
  • Sudden mood changes or mood swings;
  • Problems with memory or concentration; and
  • Depression or anxiousness.

If you or a loved one demonstrates any of these symptoms after a violent blow or trauma to the head, it is extremely important to seek medical attention.

Treatment Plans And Living With Traumatic Brain Injury

Treatment of traumatic brain injury depends on the severity of the injury. Mild cases of TBI should be monitored closely, but will typically heal on their own with rest and over-the-counter medication. Moderate and severe cases of TBI require immediate emergency medical attention. Treatment may involve surgery, medications, and extensive rehabilitation.
Recovery from more serious traumatic injuries includes individual treatment programs that will likely consist of physical and occupational therapy, physiatry (physical medicine), speech/language therapy, psychiatry, and social support. In many cases, the injured victim never fully heals.  This is devastating for the victim and the family.

Need Legal Help?

If you or a loved one sustains a traumatic brain injury in a car accident, there is help available. The path to recovery is full of struggles and it’s one you should not have to make alone. Call Williams Elleby Howard & Easter to enlist the help of an attorney who will fight for justice on your behalf. We handle cases in Atlanta, Marietta, Cobb County, and all of Georgia. Contact us today to talk about the specifics of your case and get the compensation you deserve.

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