If you’ve been in an accident recently, the odds are good that a representative of the other person’s insurance company has contacted you. They will often call within a matter of hours of the accident happening, and they’ll often ask for a recorded statement.
The other insurance company isn’t asking for a statement just to make sure they have everything they need to pay for your damages, though. When an insurance company contacts you for a statement, they are hoping you will slip up and say something incriminating or even take responsibility for the accident.
The Other Insurance Company Isn’t On Your Side
According to the Insurance Information Institute, the frequency of bodily injury claims filed under auto liability insurance has steadily increased over the last five years. It’s no surprise, then, that these insurance companies will take steps to avoid paying out on any claim they can avoid. In most cases, these insurance companies will strive to:
- Deny claims entirely when possible, or
- Settle claims for pennies on the dollar
The most significant risk in discussing the case with the other insurance company is hurting the strength of your own claim. The insurance adjuster on the other end of the phone call is trained to use your words against you, and they are prepared to use your own words against you even if the accident wasn’t your fault. In some cases, the other insurance will compare your recorded statement to what you said to police in the accident report. If there are even minor discrepancies, the insurance company may use that as an excuse to deny the claim. And if your injury claim goes to trial, the insurance companies’ attorney can use your recorded statement to point out inconsistencies in your sworn testimony.
The truth is, there isn’t a good reason to speak with an adjuster for the other insurance company. Thankfully, you are under no obligation to speak with them at all. There are no real benefits to giving them a statement, but there are plenty of risks involved.
How a Personal Injury Attorney Can Help
The best step you can take to protecting your personal injury claim is to discuss your case with an experienced injury attorney right away. An attorney can guide you on how to respond to the other insurance company as well as your own. Don’t forget; while your own insurance company is supposed to be on your side, they could end up siding against you or denying your claim as well. The only way to have an experienced professional looking out for your interests is to hire a personal injury attorney.
Discuss Your Options With a Kennesaw, GA, Injury Attorney
If you have questions about your Georgia personal injury claim, contact a personal injury attorney. It is critical that you understand your legal rights, and the best chance at protecting your claim is by hiring the experienced attorneys. If you would like more information, contact Williams Elleby Howard & Easter, at 833-LEGALGA today for your free case evaluation.