Georgia’s Good Samaritan Law

Georgia good Samaritan law

We all have a duty to act with reasonable care towards others. This is the basic principle underlying all of Georgia tort law. A secondary principle is that generally speaking, none of us have a duty to go out of our way to help each other. We have a duty not to cause harm, but there is no legal requirement that we give aid to others.

Putting these two legal principles together creates a problem when people need emergency medical care. If someone decides to help, they put themselves at risk of legal liability if they make a mistake and cause further harm. But if they decide to do nothing, they have no legal liability for what happens. The recent tragic case of Lorraine Bayless highlights this problem.

Lorraine Bayless was living at Glenwood Gardens, an elderly care facility, when she stopped breathing. Someone at Glenwood Gardens called 911, and the emergency dispatcher on the phone urged them to start CPR. But there was a strict policy at Glenwood Gardens for employees not to provide medical care, and the employee stated that she couldn’t help because her boss told her not to do anything.

The 9-11 dispatcher asked if, even though the employees were instructed not to perform CPR, if any one could help Bayless stay alive. The employee, instructed by her boss not to do anything that could incur liability for the facility, stated the only thing she could: “Not at this time.” By the time the EMS crew arrived, Lorraine Bayless was dead.

To encourage people to help those in need, Georgia has a law protecting people from legal liability when they give medical aid to someone in an emergency. This is called the Georgia Good Samaritan Law. Under this law, if you try to help someone by giving CPR or any other emergency medical care, you cannot be held liable for any mistake you make under the Georgia Good Samaritan Law.

Georgia’s Good Samaritan Law

Georgia’s “Good Samaritan law” is found Title 51 Chapter 1 Section 29 of the Official Code of Georgia. It states:
Any person, including any person licensed to practice medicine and surgery, and including any person licensed to render services ancillary thereto, who in good faith renders emergency care at the scene of an accident or emergency to the victim or victims thereof without making any charge therefor shall not be liable for any civil damages as a result of any act or omission by such person in rendering emergency care or as a result of any act or failure to act to provide or arrange for further medical treatment or care for the injured person.

Under this law, a person giving aid cannot be found liable for negligence and a doctor or health professional giving emergency aid without charge is immune from a medical malpractice suit.

Contact the Kennesaw, GA Personal Injury Attorneys at Williams Elleby Howard & Easter, to Discuss Your Case

The Kennesaw, GA personal injury attorneys at Williams Elleby Howard & Easter, fully understand Georgia personal injury law. If you have any questions about this issue or would like to discuss your case, contact Williams Elleby Howard & Easter, at 833-LEGALGA today.

Why You Should Be Cautious About Online Activity Following a Georgia Auto Accident

social media case personal

Be Careful With What You Post Online

You should be cautious about online activity following a Georgia automobile accident. Social media evidence can play a key role in personal injury cases. Personal injury defense lawyers monitor claimants’ social media accounts to find out if they are exaggerating their injuries. If a plaintiff claims that they have a severely injured back, but is later seen snowboarding on Instagram or Facebook by the opposing party, it can completely kill their case. But it isn’t just those faking injuries that have something to fear from social media; legitimately injured victims of accidents can lose out on compensation because their social media image makes them look like they are doing better than they actually are.

A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

As one article bluntly puts it, “appearing happy on social media may be used against you in a court of law.” The article goes on to discuss the case of Fotini Kourtesis, a Canadian woman that sued a man for rear-ending her as she drove to work in the year 2000. Fotini was 18 years old at the time of the crash, and claimed that the crash left her in chronic pain and unable to enjoy life the way she once did. According to her own testimony, and the testimony of her friends and family, Fotini was telling the truth.

Spoliation Is Against The Law

But then the opposing party found some photos of her on Facebook, posted after the accident occurred, which completely changed the outcome of the case. The photos showed Fotini smiling and dancing with her family. She appeared to be having fun. Forini claimed that she was merely posing as a happy person for the sake of having positive looking family photos, but that in reality she was suffering. But in the end, the photos destroyed her “loss of enjoyment of life” claim. The judge stated, “even if posed, the photographs were taken in an active social life setting” and this is how Kourtesis still “enjoys life.”

Deleting Social Media Information May Not Be the Answer

At this point you may be thinking that all you have to do is delete incriminating social media evidence before the other side sees it. Actually, doing this could lead to more problems. This is because litigants in a case have a duty to preserve all relevant evidence – including social media evidence.

A party to “contemplated or pending” litigation that destroys evidence “necessary” to the other party’s case can be sanctioned for spoliation in Georgia. This duty to preserve evidence extends to social media evidence. In a recent Virginia case, Lester v. Allied Concrete Co., the court sanctioned both the plaintiff and his counsel for, in part, “spoliation of Facebook evidence.” In that case, the lawyer helped his client “clean up” his Facebook page by deleting incriminating content before complying with a discovery request issued by the opposing party.

Personal injury cases can be complicated, and personal injury victims should rely on qualified and experienced legal counsel to get the compensation they deserve. If you have been the victim of a personal injury in the State of Georgia, contact the Kennesaw, GA accident injury attorneys at Williams Elleby Howard & Easter, to schedule a free consultation at 833-LEGALGA

Do All Personal Injury Claims End Up in Court?

personal injury claim court

Do All Personal Injury Claims End Up in Court?

Although it may seem like every personal injury claim ends up in court on TV or in movies, that is not the case in real life. In fact, roughly 95% of pending lawsuits settle. This means only one in 20 personal injury cases is tried before a judge or jury. Although most attorneys prepare for every case as if it is going to trial, the reality is that this preparation is often used as a means to obtain a favorable settlement.

Deciding Whether to Go to Trial

When cases do go to trial, it is usually because settlement efforts have been unsuccessful. In other situations, the victim wants to have their day in court for personal or political reasons. For example, if you are a victim of a products liability claim, you may want to go to trial to increase public awareness of a dangerous product.  Taking your case to court will help prevent future accidents and make the manufacturer or designer of the product alter their current practices.

Taking a case all the way to trial is extremely time-consuming and can be expensive. Depending on the accident, it can also be emotionally and even physically draining. Some victims want to avoid going to trial because they do not want to relive the experience again when they tell their story in front of a jury.

Victims should carefully consider the pros and cons of taking a case to trial. Your personal injury attorney can help you think through this decision.

Potential Negatives of Going to Trial

No matter how airtight your case may be, there is always a chance of obtaining a negative result when you go to trial. It is always a gamble when you walk into a courtroom. You could end up with everything you requested or nothing at all. There are other drawbacks to consider as well.

  • Delayed compensation. It can take months and even years to prepare a case adequately for trial. Victims may not be able to wait this long to address their financial needs after an accident. Settlements offer faster payments so victims can often get back on their financial feet earlier.
  • Appeal rights. When a case is heard in front of a judge or jury, there is almost always a right to appeal. This appeal process can drag out for additional months or years, further delaying compensation. There are no appeal rights in a settlement agreement. A settlement finalizes the case so you can move on. This is often very attractive to victims.
  • Cost of litigation. Victims who are not on a contingency fee arrangement with their attorneys face significant legal fees when they go to trial. Even those who are on contingent fee arrangement may often need to employ experts who will testify at trial. These costs are often the ultimate responsibility of the victim if he or she wins their case.

Deciding whether to have your day in court is a highly personal decision, and there are advantages and disadvantages that you need to consider for your particular lawsuit. Williams Elleby Howard & Easter will be able to evaluate your case and your unique situation to determine the potential outcome of your case. Contact us in Cobb County, Georgia at 833 – LEGALGA for more information.

Finding the Right Lawyer for You and Your Case

finding right lawyer case

Finding the Right Lawyer for You and Your Case

There are many types of attorneys, but only a few will be able to handle your specific legal claim. You should find an attorney that not only focuses his or her practice on the type of case that you want to assert, but you should also find a lawyer that fits with your personality and has experience in the area of the law that affects you.

Finding an Experienced Personal Injury Attorney

Lawyers often focus their practice on just a couple areas of the law, and many personal injury attorneys handle only specific personal injury work. The same can be said about lawyers that draft wills or deal with family law issues. A lawyer is often very good in one or two practice areas. The law is so complicated that having a “jack of all trades” attorney can be detrimental to your claim because the lawyer may not know the best tactics for your particular type of case.

If you have suffered an injury, you need to find an attorney that has experience in personal injury cases. You should use a lawyer that has had success in cases very similar to yours. If you were in a car accident, find an auto accident attorney. If you were involved in a medical injury, a medical malpractice attorney should be whom you hire. Take advantage of your lawyer’s knowledge and experience by using someone who has handled cases like yours before—and won.

Finding the Right Personal Fit

Some lawyers simply mesh well with certain people over others. You want an attorney who makes you comfortable. Finding someone you can trust is very important in personal injury cases because you must often share intimate details of your life and health conditions. If you are uncomfortable with your attorney, that can undermine your case.

Take some time to meet with your potential lawyer before you make any decisions about whom you should hire. A simple face-to-face meeting can tell you a lot about the person and how you interact with him or her. Does he or she answer your questions directly? Does he or she give “lawyer-like” answers instead of providing you with a realistic outlook of your case? Does the attorney seem too aggressive for what you had in mind?

Finding the Right Level of Input

Some clients want a lawyer who will notify them of the progress of the case every step of the way. Other clients prefer to only hear about the case when the lawyer needs something or if something major has happened. Ask the attorney what type of relationship he or she normally has with their clients. Some lawyers are not very good at client communication, and asking how often clients are updated can go a long way to letting you know how involved you may be in the case.

At Williams Elleby Howard & Easter, we understand that your case is important to you, and we can keep you as involved as you would like to be. Call 833 – LEGALGA today to set up a consultation to learn about your potential legal options for your personal injury case.

The Importance of Gathering Witness Information Post-Accident

Several people kneeling down, tending to an unconscious woman laying on the concrete beside a bicycle tire with a helmet laying off to the side.

The Importance of Gathering Witness Information Post-Accident

If you’ve been involved in a car wreck, struck by a tractor-trailer, or had a slip and fall on someone else’s property, then you know how frenzied the scene is. Getting witness information is the last thing on your mind; however, if you are not physically impaired after the accident and have been treated for your injuries, it is critical you retrieve witness information from the scene.

Types of Witnesses

There are three types of witnesses in a personal injury case:

  • Pre-accident witnesses: Pre-accident witnesses saw the other driver speeding, or were in the facility when you fell. For example, these witnesses can be drivers, pedestrians, or employees
  • Event witnesses: Event witnesses saw the automobiles collide or your slip and fall
  • Post-accident witnesses: Post-accident witnesses include emergency personnel, doctors, and police officers who were at the scene following the crash or fall

How to Gather Witness Information

All you or a loved one has to do is ask a bystander/witness for their name and what they saw happen. Some people may be reluctant to give out their phone number to a stranger, but it doesn’t hurt to ask. Another avenue is to ensure that a police officer on the scene writes the witness’ information and statements in his report. However, if you can procure this information yourself, we suggest you do; police officers are busy, and their reports may not always include all relevant information. If none of this is possible, an experienced Georgia personal injury attorney can help track down witnesses or hire a private investigator to get their information. Keep in mind, though, that getting the information at the time of the accident increases your chances of obtaining reliable statements.
Witness information is recorded in sworn statements through police reports, affidavits, or audio or visual recordings. It includes what they saw at the time of the accident, their opinions, and anything else relevant to your case. You want to ensure that their statements are recorded at the time of the accident or as close to it as possible.

How Witness Information Is Used

Witness information helps establish fault in an accident and is a deciding factor in the amount of compensation you may be awarded. It may be years before your case is tried in court and  individuals’ memories fade over time, or they may have trouble recalling certain events. Recorded witness statements and information are used in court to help refresh witnesses’ memories, to impeach them if they are caught lying about a fact, or can be used if a witness passes away before trial.

Contact Us

If you or a loved one were involved in a car accident or slip and fall, please know the Williams Elleby Howard & Easter are here to help you. Should you have any questions, don’t hesitate to call us at 833-LEGALGA. Our consultations are free, and you are under no obligation to hire us to assist you. We want you to fully understand your rights so you can make an informed decision and do what is best for your case.

5 Reasons to Hire a Georgia Native as Your Trial Lawyer

Brightly colored blurry view of a detailed map, with everything with only the word Kennesaw in focus.

5 Reasons to Hire a Georgia Native as Your Trial Lawyer

Where a lawyer was born and raised may not seem like it’s important when choosing someone to represent you in your personal injury or malpractice case; however, it can make all the difference in the world. We’ve put together five reasons you should hire a Georgia native as your trial lawyer.

He Is Accessible and Available

A local Georgia personal injury attorney will be available to speak with you at his office for your free consultation, or whenever you have questions or concerns. He will also be able to come to you if needed. If you’ve been severely injured or do not have car access, then a Kennesaw attorney who is worth his salt will drive to you.

Face to face interactions are necessary in serious personal injury, car wreck, or slip and fall cases, not only so your attorney can assess your case, but so you can assess your attorney. You should feel like you are on a team with him, and there is no better test of compatibility than an in-person meeting.

He Supports Local Businesses

Georgia-based attorneys make sure to outsource their business needs to locally owned and operated companies. That includes local doctors, mechanics, printers, and experts. It takes a team of businesses and professionals to help prove fault in cases; keep that money local.

He Keeps Your Expenses Low

If you hire an out-of-state lawyer, he will bill you for travel-time to see you, interview witnesses, or take depositions, which will get deducted from your final settlement. Pick a local attorney and keep that money where it belongs: in your pocket.

He Works to Defend His Local Reputation

A lawyer’s reputation may not seem important when hiring your trial lawyer, yet it is critical because it ensures your premises liability attorney handles your case with dignity and integrity.  A Georgia native would not want to ruin the reputation he spent years building up.

A non-local attorney knows he will not be coming back to Georgia or Cobb County anytime soon. As a result, may not care about his actions in your case or the community. He may be lax in his preparation of your case, or worse, he could settle your case for less than you deserve to ensure he does not have to travel to represent you.

He Has a Better Chance at Getting Insurance Companies to Compensate You

When an insurance company knows your trucking wreck or product liability attorney is local, it is much more likely to settle. Why? A local attorney does not have to worry about travel to court, so he is going to push hard for a trial date. More than that, a Georgia lawyer will not be scared to take your case to trial since he knows the judges, the court staff, and other attorneys.

Contact us

Don’t be persuaded by the allure of out-of-state lawyers with shiny advertisements and billboards. If you or a loved one has been injured, call the personal injury and wrongful death law firm Williams Elleby Howard & Easter at 833-LEGALGA in Kennesaw, Georgia for a free consultation.

Know Your Rights When Signing Commercial Gym Contracts

A middle aged man wearing a blue and white plaid shirt with his right arm in a white sling holding up a piece of paper with a look of concern on his face.

Know Your Rights When Signing Commercial Gym Contracts

In 2015, there were 36,180 registered gyms located throughout the United States. Perhaps you were a member of one or looking to join another. At the beginning of every year, gyms scramble to get people to sign contracts the second they walk through the door. Before you fork over your hard-earned cash, make sure you know your rights as a consumer so you can identify which rights a gym is asking you to sign away in those contracts.

General Tips

Before you sign on the dotted line, do some research on the gym you want to join. Here are some questions you should know the answer to:

  • Is the gym accredited with the Better Business Bureau here in Georgia?
  • Have there been any complaints or lawsuits filed against the gym in the last three years?
  • Will the gym send you a contract via email so you can read it thoroughly before you sign it? Gyms typically won’t do this, but it doesn’t hurt to ask. If a gym does email it, that’s a good sign it isn’t hiding anything from you.
  • Is there an auto-renewal policy?
  • How can you cancel your contract? Most gyms require members to mail or email notice to the corporate office. Be sure to read the contract to see if you will be forced to pay for the remainder of your contract if you cancel it early.

Liability Waivers

A waiver is the forfeit or surrender of claims, rights, or privileges. In exchange for participating in activities as a gym member, you forfeit (certain) rights to sue the gym or trainer. Essentially, this means you promise not to sue the facility for the dangers associated with the activities detailed in the liability waiver. The gym also promises that you will not be injured from the equipment you will use.
Below are some things to consider before you sign a gym contract:

  • You will waive typical negligence claims but still retain the right to sue for gross negligence (intentional) or negligent security.
  • Will the gym be liable for premise liability associated with its equipment and staff?
  • You will likely sign a model release form. If you sign it, the gym will be able to take pictures of you and use them as it wishes.

If you signed a liability waiver at the gym where you were injured, you will want an attorney to investigate the incident and determine whether the waiver is valid and whether there are any ways to get around the waiver. For example, Georgia case law has established that liability waivers are invalid insofar as they purport to waive liability for gross negligence. Many times a jury must decide whether the negligence which caused an injury is “gross.” See McFann v. Sky Warriors, Inc., 268 Ga. App. 750, 758 (2004) and Trustees of Trinity College v. Ferris, 228 Ga. App. 476, 477 (1997) (“[w]hen facts alleged as gross negligence are such that there is room for difference of opinion between reasonable men as to whether or not negligence can be inferred, and if so whether in degree the negligence amounts to gross negligence, the right to draw the inference is within the exclusive province of the jury”).
A key fact in all Georgia cases affirming the grant of summary judgment to Defendants based on liability waivers has been that in each of those cases the waivers contained specific language that relieved the Defendant of liability for negligence. In Georgia, exculpatory clauses must be “explicit, prominent, clear and unambiguous.” Holmes v. Clear Channel Outdoor, Inc., 284 Ga. App. 474, 477 (2007). Any ambiguities in exculpatory clauses are construed against the drafter. Id. If the “Waiver of Liability” at issue in your claim does not mention negligence, it may not bar your claims.

The Three-Business-Day Refund Rule

What happens if you sign a gym contract but get buyer’s remorse quickly thereafter? Don’t worry. You have three business days to tell an employee, generally the front desk manager, that you changed your mind and want a refund. By law, the gym is required to refund your money within 10 business days.

Answers to Your Gym Contract Questions

To protect your rights as a consumer, keep the foregoing tips in mind as you decide whether to join a Georgia gym. If you sign a contract, make sure to get a signed copy. If you need help or have questions, call the Atlanta area trial lawyers at Williams Elleby Howard & Easter at 833 – LEGALGA for a free consultation.

How Does a Contingency Fee System Work?

A black sign with the words Attorney at Law in white letters and a blurry scene of an outdoor setting reflecting off of the black sign.
Under a contingency fee arrangement, clients do not pay their attorneys unless they win their case. For some arrangements, clients may still need to pay expenses and court costs, but in many arrangements the law firm will advance all legal costs until a case is settled or won. Contingency fees are typically seen in personal injury cases. Car accident, premises liability, defective product, and malpractice claims are frequently conducted on a contingency fee basis. Other types of claims may be handled on a contingency basis in certain circumstances. However, contingency fees are never available for criminal law, immigration, or family law cases.

What is a typical contingency fee?

A typical contingency fee ranges from 33-40% of the total amount won by a plaintiff. However, fees can vary widely based on the particular facts of a case. The time an attorney expects to work, the amount of the potential award, and the overall strength of a case are all factors that the attorney will need to consider.

Benefits of a contingency fee arrangement:

  • Contingency fee arrangements give access to justice for plaintiffs that are unable to afford to pay an hourly rate or flat fee to their attorney upfront.
  • Because a law firm knows it will only get paid if it wins your case, it will only agree to represent you if the firm’s attorneys feel very strongly that you can win. Therefore, if a firm agrees to represent you on a contingency basis, you can rest easy knowing that your attorney fully believes in the validity of your case.

Detriments of a contingency fee arrangement:

  • A fair contingency fee is based on the law firm’s best-guess as to what is likely to happen in a case.  But, sometimes outcomes can be unexpected. For instance, if an attorney can settle a case more quickly than anticipated, he may gain a large contingency fee for a mere few hours of work. In other circumstances, a case can drag on far longer than an attorney expects and end up costing the attorney far more than the contingency fee was worth. Both clients and attorneys thus take on some risk that a contingency fee may, in hindsight, seem unfair.
  • Contingency fees can sometimes cost more in the end. With these arrangements, attorneys are absorbing the risk that their client may lose or be unable to collect their judgment. Despite a high likelihood of success in contingency fee cases, every once in a while, an attorney puts forth time and energy into a case and ends up getting paid nothing. To offset these losses, law firms need to charge more for contingency fee cases.
If you have a potential claim, you should consider whether a contingency fee is the best option for you. At Williams Elleby Howard & Easter, we offer services on a contingency fee basis and would be happy to discuss this and other options with you if you would like to discuss your case. For most cases, we will advance all legal fee costs until your case is settled. Call Williams Elleby Howard & Easter today at 833-LEGALGA for a free consultation.

How Much Will a Georgia Car Accident Lawyer Cost?

A man in a black suit, white shirt and blue tie standing, with his arms folded, in front of a shelves with several books.
Some people shy away from hiring an attorney after an accident because they think it will cost too much. It is true that lawyers can be expensive; however, many personal injury lawyers in Georgia accept cases on a contingency fee. This payment arrangement enables victims to file a claim without having to pay their attorney up front, but perhaps the most beneficial aspect of this arrangement is that victims often do not have to pay anything unless they win their case. In short, contingency fee arrangements allow the victim to file a claim virtually risk-free.

How Does a Contingency Fee Work?

A contingency fee is “contingent,” meaning it depends on a certain outcome. In a car accident case in Georgia, it means that you will only pay your attorney a fee if you receive compensation for your injuries. Each payment arrangement is slightly different, so it is important to read your fee agreement with a potential attorney carefully. In some arrangements, the attorney may expect you to pay for costs such as filing fees or expert expenses as they become due. In most situations, however, the attorney will cover these costs for you, but they may be added to your bill if your case is successful. Other examples of expenses that may be required to cover include:
  • Postage and copies
  • Mileage (or other travel expenses)
  • Court reporter fees
  • Medical records fees
  • Police reports
  • Expert fees
  • Filing fees
If you lose your case, your Georgia personal injury attorney will likely end up waiving these costs. You are generally not responsible for any fees if you do not win your case.

How Much Is a Contingency Fee?

The contingency fee is typically a percentage of your overall award or your settlement amount. The percentage usually ranges from 30 to 40 percent, but most contingency fees are around 33⅓ percent of the total award or settlement. The fee may vary depending on how complicated your case is. For example, an attorney may work out a deal with you in which his fee will be 33⅓ percent if he can settle your case for a reasonable amount without filing a lawsuit. If the case must be filed, the fee may increase to 40 percent. If you appeal the lower court’s decision, the fee may increase to a higher percentage. Such increases are designed to account for the added time, effort, and expense at each stage of your claim. Keep in mind that this percentage is in addition to any costs that may need to be reimbursed.

What Are Benefits of the Contingency Fee Arrangement?

Car accident lawyers in Georgia use the contingency fee arrangement because it benefits victims who are likely dealing with a lot of issues, such as medical bills and an inability to work. Having to pay an attorney’s fees on top of that would deter many individuals from filing a car accident lawsuit and getting the compensation they deserve. The contingency fee arrangement removes cost as a barrier so that more people can have access to the court system. Williams Elleby Howard & Easter takes car accident lawsuits on a contingency fee basis because we want to help victims get their lives back on track. Call 833-LEGALGA for more information or to set up a free consultation.

How Do I Prepare for My Deposition?

prepare my deposition attorney

What is a Deposition?

A deposition is a discovery tool that attorneys use to obtain the sworn testimony of parties and witnesses prior to the trial of a civil case. Depositions are an excellent time for lawyers to inquire about facts that may be relevant to the lawsuit. Lawyers also use depositions to evaluate how a party or witness will appear before a jury so they can better estimate the settlement value of a case. There is no judge or jury present during a deposition, only the lawyers and a court reporter and/or videographer. If a case goes to trial, depositions can be used in cross-examination of a witness if the trial testimony differs from the testimony given at the time of the deposition. Without question, depositions are the most important event that occurs during a civil lawsuit except the trial.

How Do I Prepare For My Deposition?

You have been summoned for a deposition. What now? If you are a party to the case, your deposition can go a long way in assisting your lawyer in handling the case either by way of settlement or trial. What you do at the deposition can help or hurt you, depending on your attitude, truthfulness, and appearance. Therefore, it is critical to prepare for your deposition. Here are a few recommendations that may help you be an effective witness:

1. Physical Appearance For A Deposition:

It is important that you make a good impression upon opposing counsel. You should appear at the deposition dressed as you would expect to dress if you were going to Court to appear before the judge and jury. After all, this is the first opportunity opposing counsel has to see you. Wear neat and clean clothing and be prepared to show any and all injuries which you suffered. If this presents a potentially embarrassing situation, tell your lawyer in advance and he can take care of it.

2. How To Conduct Yourself At A Deposition:

Treat all persons in the deposition with respect and courtesy even if they do not return the favor. A famous trial lawyer once said, “Anger is the blood of the battle in Court.” Although you may feel anger, you must control it and never lash out at opposing counsel.

You must always tell the truth no matter the costs but it is important that you do not get trapped into saying something that is not true. Always listen to each question carefully and be sure you understand the question before you answer. If you do not understand a question, ask the opposing lawyer to repeat it or rephrase it so you do understand. When you do understand a question, answer it honestly and in a straightforward manner. If you don’t know the answer, say you don’t know. Never guess at an answer and remember honestly is always the best policy. If you tell the truth and don’t guess, you will be fine.

Give audible answers. The court reporter will take down all of the questions asked during a deposition as well as your answers and you must speak clearly to make sure the court reporter gets everything correct.

Avoid joking or wisecracks. Lawsuits are serious matters and jokes have no place is a deposition.

Never volunteer information. Sometimes when witnesses get nervous they get “diarrhea of the mouth.” They just start talking and inevitably say something they don’t really mean that can be taken out of context and used against them later in the lawsuit. The lawyer taking the deposition has the responsibility to ask proper questions to obtain the information he or she seeks. Let them do their job and only answer the question they ask.

Listen to your lawyer. Sometimes your lawyer may object to a question. If your lawyer objects, stop speaking immediately, listen to his objection, and follow his instructions.

Wait until the opposing lawyer finishes his or her question before you answer. Do not anticipate what the question is before the lawyer has finished asking the question. Do not start nodding your head or answering until the question is complete. This is a common mistake in depositions because it happens every day in normal conversation. A deposition is not a normal conversation and you should not treat it as such.

Be careful of questions in which the attorney puts words in your mouth. Attorneys often ask leading questions so they can phrase the answer. For example, “You had pain in your neck prior to this wreck, isn’t that right?” This is a leading question that calls for a “yes” or “no” answer. Leading questions are much different than a question that simply asks “Tell me about any pain you experience in the year prior to the wreck.” The difference is that the attorney is suggesting the answer in the leading question and asking you to agree with it. Never agree to a leading question unless you fully agree with what the attorney says.

Beware of questions involving distances and time. If you are making an estimate, be sure that everyone understands you are making an estimate. People are notoriously bad at giving distances and times. If you do not know a time or distance, say so. Never guess.

3. Your Deposition Is All About You:

The most important aspect of your deposition is you. If you are fair, honest, and professional in giving your deposition testimony, you will be taking a tremendous stride towards a satisfactory completion of your case.

Premises lawyer Joel Williams hopes this information will be helpful to you if you are ever required to give a deposition. Remember, a deposition is serious matter and you should always meet with your lawyer to prepare for your deposition. Review any documents related to your case and discuss what questions may be asked with your lawyer. Your lawyer should not tell you what to say but he or she may be able to help you phrase answers to anticipated questions so your answers will be more effective and accurate. If your lawyer encourages you to tell anything but the truth, fire him immediately and hire someone who has the proper ethical compass required of legal professionals.