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Negligent Security
Attorneys in Georgia

There are many situations where a crime victim will need a negligent security attorney in Georgia to help them after an accident. This is because property owners and occupiers owe their invitees a duty to exercise ordinary care to keep their premises safe. This includes apartment communities and hotels taking reasonable measures to deter criminals from preying on their tenants and guests. 

Hotel Premises Liability and Apartment Premises Liability

Georgia courts have consistently held that a property owner or occupier may be held liable for criminal acts occurring on its property if the occurrence of crime was foreseeable. Many crime victims are unaware that they may have a claim against their apartment complex or hotel when they are the victim of a shooting, sexual assault or other violent crime.   

If any apartment complex or hotel is the site of numerous violent crimes, the complex or hotel has a duty to take measures to try and deter future crimes from occurring on their property. Not all crime can be prevented, but there are several measures businesses can take to deter criminal activity: 


Steps Involved in a Negligent Security Case

Many negligent security cases we see involve shootings, stabbings, sexual assaults and murders at apartment complexes or hotels that did little to deter criminals from preying on innocent residents. 

Each case is fact-specific, and the first step is to gather all information related to the criminal history of a property. Our negligent security attorneys then consult with law enforcement personnel to understand the motivation behind the crime. From there, our team consults with nationally renowned experts in the security and property management industry to determine what, if anything, should have been done to prevent a crime. 

If it appears that the complex or hotel acted negligently in failing to implement reasonable security measures, our attorneys will file the case and fight to obtain justice for the clientWilliams Elleby Howard & Easter has recently recovered millions of dollars for the families of murder victims; victims of physical assaults including shootings, stabbings and beatings; and victims of crimes involving sexual assault. 

Trust Our Team to Help

In addition to suffering physical injury, experiencing a violent crime is stressful and traumatizing – we’re committed to helping our clients get justice. If you are a victim of a violent crime at an apartment complex, hotel or other residential facility, contact Williams Elleby Howard & Easter today for a free consultation to learn about your legal options. 


A man on a cell phone, illuminated by the glow of a TV, sitting on a coach while two people dressed all in black pointing guns at him.

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Williams Elleby Howard & Easter