Wrongful Death Personal Injury Attorney Fees Cost Georgia

How Much Will a Georgia Car Accident Lawyer Cost?

Some people shy away from hiring an attorney after an accident because they think it will cost too much. It is true that lawyers can be expensive; however, many personal injury lawyers in Georgia accept cases on a contingency fee. This payment arrangement enables victims to file a claim without having to pay their attorney […]

personal injury lawsuit wrongful death attorney Georgia

The Personal Injury Lawsuit Process

Contrary to what you may see on television or hear on the news, the vast majority of lawsuits do not end up in court. Instead, they are settled. Some disputes are even settled before a party files a lawsuit. If you have been injured in Georgia and are considering initiating a lawsuit, it might be […]

Whiplash Personal Injury Car Accident Attorney Georgia

Whiplash From A Car Accident

Imagine you are sitting at a stoplight, waiting for the switch from red to green, when suddenly someone rams into your car from behind. The rear-end hit causes you to jolt forward rapidly; this could give you whiplash. While you may feel as though you’ve recovered your senses and go about exchanging insurance information with […]

Insurance Company Duty to Settle Personal Injury and Wrongful Death Claims Georgia

An Insurance Company’s Duty To Settle

An Insurance Company May Not Gamble With Its Insured’s Funds “[W]here a person injured by the insured offers to settle for a sum within the policy limits, and the insurer refuses the offer of settlement, the insurer may be liable to the insured to pay the verdict rendered against the insured even though the verdict […]

Premises Liability Cases Due to Landowner Negligence Attorney Georgia

Frequently Asked Questions Answered: Premises Liability

Premises liability law governs the responsibilities of landowners and occupiers of land in guarding against hazardous conditions on their property. In other words, negligent property owners may be liable for injuries and accidents that occur on their property. Slip and fall cases are by far the most common type of premises liability cases, but there are several […]