truth real trial lawyers

The Truth About Trial Lawyers

So you want the inside scoop on those low down, money hungry, ambulance chasing bastards that litter the interstate with billboards and your television with commercials? Well, here it is from an admittedly biased trial lawyer: Real trial lawyers are warriors. They go to battle against insurance companies and corporations that have more money than […]

car wreck attorney mistakes

Top 10 Mistakes Attorneys Make in Car Wreck Cases

Top 10 Mistakes Attorneys Make in Car Wreck Cases Many attorneys handle car wreck cases but too many do it poorly. If you are an attorney, please don’t make these mistakes. If you are a car wreck victim, make sure your attorney is not making any of these mistakes. The most common mistakes I see […]

workers compensation subrogation claims

Workers Compensation Subrogation Claims in Georgia

When an employee is injured on the job, he or she may be entitled to worker’s compensation benefits. Georgia law also allows the injured employee to bring a separate claim against any third party that is responsible for causing the injuries. When this happens, the employer or the employer’s workers compensation carrier may assert a […]

The side of a hotel, with the letters HOTEL written virtically down the left side with blue windows, lit up by a warm yellow light.

Bloody Atlanta – Apartment and Hotel Crimes

Bloody Atlanta – Apartment and Hotel Crimes Have you been the victim of a criminal attack at an apartment complex or hotel in the Atlanta area? Unfortunately, many apartment complexes and hotels in the Atlanta area are a hot bed for criminal activity. Many people who are victims of a violent crime at these facilities […]

Car Accidents

Georgia Car Accident Attorneys Car accidents in Georgia are all too common, and experiencing a car accident can be stressful, painful and traumatizing. Car accidents are some of the most litigated types of civil claims in Georgia, but not all car accident attorneys are created equal. If you or a loved one has been injured in a car accident in Georgia, seeking […]